1. How many guests we had this weekend. Thanks for coming Jarin!
2. The number of soccer games we watched. The boys did great, but I'm anxious to spend Saturdays NOT at the park!
3. Hours of church.
4. The number of books I read this week. (The Book of Mormon, Night, One More Day, The Kite Runner -- Yeah, it is definitely time to read something HAPPY!)
5. The number of "new" favorite places Brielle has found for getting into trouble!

6.Steaks, grilled to perfection!
7. The time Trayson got up on Saturday morning, ready to help Dad and Jarin (who were still sleeping) with the fence.
8.25: The time Breje got when they ran the mile in school on Friday. I'm so proud!
9. The number of times Kutter informed me that Daddy really couldn't build the fence without him!
10. The number of fingernails I painted. (yeah, that's really all I had for this one. We are so BORING!)
97. The number of posts they put in the fence.
102. The number of holes they dug for the fence (hmmmm.)