Brielle's most recent bit of "attitude" has me wondering --- at what point do the cute little remarks stop being charming and just become warning signs for when her head is about to spin? For example...
.... "Mommy, I told you a hundred times!" --- that was seriously cracking me up this morning, when she was cussing me out for putting her pajamas away wrong. It's no longer morning, and I think I've forgotten how to laugh. Is this seriously what I sound like?

.... "I'm not looking at you right now", took me by surprise and made me giggle --- now I"m just wondering what she could possibly be saving for when she actually hits puberty!
... "Fabulous!" Okay, that one is never gonna get old.
Breje and I followed her around the house for two days trying to get this on camera, because there is no way to describe how cute it is. No luck, so you'll just have to trust me.
We recently spent the day having the kids try on all their summer hand-me-downs. I had absolutely no trouble getting Brielle to try on each item, and the pile of clothes that would fit next year just grew and grew (Hayley, you are seriously great!) It was still lying on the floor when Jody got home from work and Brielle marched him into the bedroom and said, "Daddy, I tried on all those clothes. It was AWESOME!"

She had Jody totally cracking up the other night when they were snuggling in front of the
tv and a Dairy Queen
commercial came on. Out of the blue she says, "Oh Daddy, I really need a great big cheeseburger!" Then she thought about it for a minute and said, "and mommy does, too!" Thanks, kid. I do and I"ll try and remember that tomorrow the first time you say, "that's not my fault!"