I love Family Home Evenings in December, because they are already pretty much
pre-planned, sweet and simple, with a built-in message (and usually a necessary treat!)
We usually decorate our Christmas tree on the first Monday in December and it seems to get even more fun every year. I love watching my kids get all excited about each ornament. It reminds me of when I did the exact same thing growing up.
Brielle seriously wanted to put up the star, but Daddy is the only one even close to tall enough!

Last year we began the tradition of writing a letter to Jesus about what we want to give Him for His birthday each year. Each child gets to decide what would make Him most happy, write it in a note, then place it on the tree. It's a great way to bring the celebration back to the Savior, and it often provides a bit of comic relief as well.
Brielle's first two attempts (which, unfortunately didn't make it into the card because everyone was too busy laughing to spell it for her) began with "maybe He would like some cards!" and "how do I spell, 'Dear Jesus, you are
sooo cute!'" Gotta love her!