Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Brielle has been seriously cracking us up lately! She definitely has her own mind and is always willing to let us know what she wants. Usually, it's either food, or dress-ups. It's been so fun to get all the girlie stuff out again, and I can't believe how much she already loves to feel pretty. This is her doing her best Sienna impression the other day...
... whadya think? Apparently, Sienna likes to have marshmallows hanging out of her mouth, because this is the only way she'd pose. Yes, she is posing. She refused to actually eat any marshmallows until I took pictures. This do took FOREVER. She grinned at herself in the mirror. Put all her jewelry on, and promptly fell asleep. So much for curls!
One of her favorite new words is "goodness". It works if she's scared, if she's being chased by her brother, if she smells bad, or if she's giving you an extra good hug. OK.
This was taken just yesterday. I lost track of her for a minute, which gave her just enough time to scale her nightstand and spill all of her clippies onto the floor. By the time I found her she had a couple of them already in her hair, and she kept demanding more. I finally had to hide the rest!
She kept staring into the mirror and saying "pretty". I couldn't take them out until she fell asleep. That was fun!


Hayley said...

I teared up a bit just now. She is looking so beautiful and so grown up! I love the curls!!!
Miss you guys.

Amber Culp Family said...

So cute. I can't believe she will sit still long enough for all those curls! Ayva is really into looking pretty now too, I love this cute age.