Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The need to paint

It's a strong urge, my friends. When it strikes, nothing in your home is safe. If you've ever caught yourself roaming around the house, looking for something that needs a little color change, just because you seem to be lacking a creative outlet, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I was absolutely distraught a couple weeks ago when I discovered that I have already painted nearly every object in my home at least once--but no worries -- I just headed to the thrift shop and picked up this bad boy for $4.
It didn't occur to me to take a picture until after I started sanding, but the whole thing originally looked as bad as the back -- nasty warped laminate topped off with a faux brass handle straight out of the 70's. I already had the sandpaper, the paint, and even some leftover beadboard, so all I had to do was buy new knobs and the total cost of this new nightstand for Breje's room is just $7.
I got to be creative AND cheap. You know this makes me happy, happy!


Hayley said...

SO cute! I'm so super excited to be there in a few.

Cannot wait!

Jessica Raber said...

CUTE! That creative urge has hit me too, or its the organizing urge but at any rate, I am hoping to tackle the TOY room!