Saturday, June 27, 2009


Brielle was not easy to ween from her pacifier. We made several, I mean SEVERAL failed attempts to rid our home of that thing! Each attempt began with a frenzied search for the missing binky that she so desperately wanted, led to an adamant refusal to spend another penny on those blasted things, at least one sleepless night while she begged and then screamed for one. Each attempt finally ended with her cheerfully finding at least one of the missing binkies the next morning. Not fun, people!
We finally did it, though. Months ago. We routed them all out, stood firm, and refused to buy anymore. Then we packed up a very small portion of our belongings and we moved to Texas. We've been her for a month and we can practically name every single belonging that we have with us. Brielle has completely forgotten all about her beloved binkies. So how in the #%@*#*! did this happen?! Seriously! How did it get here and where did she find it? I asked her about a million times. Each time she says, "Ummm. It's mine!" *#@^*!


Jessica said...

LOL!!! I am sorry I am laughing so hard...I am sure my turn is coming up with the thumb!!

Amy Johnson said...

Oh I am laughing so hard right now! She is such a little stinker....but boy I love her! I'm so glad Simon did good with getting rid of the binky. I have no self control and I'm sure I would have given in every single night (I value my sleep HIGHLY!!!). Good luck and keep strong! We cut a hole in Simons, so it ended up being his decision that he didn't want it anymore. I'm sure you have already tried I'll say it again, Good Luck!

Hayley said...

She is a little stinker! I seriously cannot believe she found it!

She is as pretty as they come though, seriously!

Amber Culp Family said...

Thanks for giving Slade and I a good laugh. That sneaky little sweetheart. I am sorry. Maybe by the time she goes to kindergarten she will let it go.

Sydney said...

You did it once, you can do it again! Good luck!