Friday, June 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home ... Sort of!

I kind of feel like we're living in some sort of freaky, alternate universe, or something. No aliens or cute vampires or anything -- just a surreal place that's missing most of our things and all of the people we love! Do I sound homesick? I really didn't mean to. This post is supposed to satisfy all of you who have been dying for a peek of the glory that is our new home. Here goes. This is our spectacular front door. It actually looks much nicer in the picture. I feel like I should get on Picnik and edit-in the dingy factor. You have no idea how badly I want to splurge on a welcome mat and a flower pot, or something. This proves I have a problem!

Notice our folding chairs for relaxing outside in the 108 degree weather -- they also double as our "company" chairs -- if anyone comes to visit we have to drag them inside so there's enough places to sit!

This is our cozy front room. The kids think that they have to sit right in front of the tv since it's so small. We have two of the fancy chairs that Trayson is lounging on in this pic. This has sparked numerous battles in our apartment. Good times!

This would be the boys' room aka, the dining room. Did I mention this place is cozy?

The girls actually get to share a bedroom, but Brielle is on the floor. We still don't trust her with a cot. The gray rubbermaid tub doubles as her nightstand and the boys' dresser. We are nothing if not resourceful!

Last, but certainly not least, is the master bedroom/office. We are currently on foam pads -- our fancy air mattress started leaking 4 days into this experiment. NOT my favorite part of this adventure!
While this experience has me desperately missing our actual home, it has already served to teach us a few lessons. First, I appreciate Idaho way more than I ever thought I would, if for no other reason that my bed is there!

Second, it really makes us realize how many great people we have in our lives. I thought I appreciated you all -- but I had no idea how much! Especially as I look around and see that so much of the few possessions we have here are actually donated by friends. Most of our furniture was generously donated by the "L" family -- you guys rock! and all of the rubbermaid bins that got us here and are now housing our clothing were furnished by the "w" family. Throw in everyone watching our yard, our animals, our house, our mail and I know that we are really really lucky to have you all!

Third, while I have spent most of my time complaining about how expensive it is to rent this nasty little apartment when we own a home -- it just occurred to me that it is seriously amazing that we can do it-- especially when it wasn't long ago that we wouldn't have even been able to imagine affording the rent here (anyone who saw our basement apartments will understand!)

We are also having tons of new experiences, so for now, we are just making the most of it and hanging in there.


Jessica said...

Its so good to hear from you!! Glad you are much as is possible...

Hayley said...

Oh Heather, it's worse than I imagined.

I love it! What an adventure for you all. Granted it sounds like the adventrue from hell, but an adventure none the less.

Miss you daily, love you all. Can't wait to see you.

Amy Johnson said...

We miss you guys so much!!! Your place breaks my heart, but I agree with Hayley....what an adventure! You will appreciate everything you have so much more when you get home! Love you guys and hope everything is going good!

Anonymous said...

So, I came into work just to get a gander at the lovely living conditions, wow. I think a visit from grandma Linda is needed! I may not be able to change the living conditions but I could sure bring some fun with me....I wish I could be there and would gladly sleep in the "girls room" on the floor with them. I miss you all so much and love you more! Me

Amber Culp Family said...

I looks like you are having a 3 month camping adventure indoors. Just what you have always wanted!! Thanks for sharing, and I am still reeling over the lawn chair furniture. At least you are not prego, because that wouldn't fly! Miss you tons!
ps. just pretend you are on survivor!

Brenda said...

I'm glad to see an update! What a trooper you are! When Sam and I lived in conditions similar to those, it was a good reminder for us that we remember even now.

I think this 'adventure' will stay with your family for a long time. =) Enjoy it while it lasts.

miss you -

Anonymous said...

I am sure you will look back on this and think "that was really alot of fun!!" (not that you would want to do it again!) At least you are all together! Hang in there..3 months will go really fast...I hope! Love you Sue

Gloria Van Orden said...

Those pictures brought back so many memories. That was are newlywed aprartmen. Including the TV sitting on top of rubbermaids. thanks for the happy memeories. I hope everything is going well. We miss you and can't wait until your back home.