Saturday, October 8, 2011

Feelin Crafty

It hasn't exactly been feeling like fall around here lately, but something happens to me when the kids go back to school and I just desperately need to craft. The problem that I constantly run into is that there are hardly any places to buy craft supplies in this small town -- so I literally jumped for joy when I found this idea somewhere out there in blog-heaven. The supply list was surprisingly do-able.
Old sweaters: check
Twine: check
Rubber bands: check
Stuffing: Well, you're supposed to use actual stuffing, but if you're as cheap as me then you just use the wasted pieces of the sweater and then you feel even less terrible about cutting it up in the first place). So check!
The cost of this adorable little pumpkin patch? Totally and completely free. That's not even the best part. It involves no sewing and it's completely possible to complete them in one afternoon (as long as you and your friends are prepared to completely ignore all of your sweet little girls and not notice that all the flowers have been decapitated and a frog may or may have lost his life in what possibly could have been a science project gone horribly awry!)

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