Sunday, September 9, 2007

Thanks MOM!

Ever since Hayley wrote her sweet blog about our amazing Dad, I've been planning on writing something equally as cheesy about mom, just to prove to Hayley that I am, of course, the "favorite" daughter! I got kinda busy, and then I thought better of writing something like that just to be a punk, but was reminded of it earlier today. I overheard some women talking about how they were doing everything they could to not be like their mothers. They were just joking, but it caught my attention because I had just been thinking about how I wish I was MORE like mine! I have several friends who are going through some difficult things right now (husbands being deployed, baby blues, family junk) and I was wishing that I could do something to somehow ease their troubles. All I could think of was, "what would my mom do?". All my life, my mom would always know some little thing to do for someone that would help get them through a rough spot. She was always baking something to drop off at a friends house, just cause they had looked a little blue, or whipping up a cute little craft for someone who'd been feeling down. She always acted like it wasn't much, but it still amazes me that she could always think of something --- and what's more, she always did it! I find that, even when I have a small flash of brilliance somewhere in the back of my mind, the execution fails me and I end up mopping the floor or, (usually) reading a book instead. How does she do it!?

This is just one of the small ways I'm hoping to become more like my mom. The older my children get, the more I hope I will be able to bond with them the way she did with us. I hope I'll remember to stay up late when I'm really tired, so that I can look into their eyes when they get home from a date. I hope I'll remember that they need a new shirt (or monster truck) when they're really stressed-out about something. I hope I'll remember that happy grandchildren are more important than clean floors. I hope I have just enough of her in me to survive their teenage years and still be their best friend!



Hayley said...

Our parents don't suck do they! We got lucky, but thanks for showing me up in the mom dept! I missed you this weekend in Park City! We said many times, Jody would love this, or Heather would love this. Why you gotta be so far away?

Michelle said...

Heather, it surprises me that you think you need to be more like your Mom. You ARE your Mom. Everything you described about her is exactly how you are perceived by those around you. I hope that makes sense. But you are always thinking of others! It's true, you did get lucky though. You really do have great parents! Love ya!