Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lake Powell

Lake Powell was definitely an adventure! We spent the whole week there and were able to grab some quality time with tons of family. We were able to swim, jet ski, water ski, slide off the boat into the water (ok, everyone but wimpy old me!), eat eat eat, play in the sand, and soak up tons of sun! My favorite part was definitely watching the kids reconnect with their many cousins. There was family there we haven't seen in over a year, but it was like they'd never been apart. It was entertaining to watch Brielle experience everything, and she enjoyed each moment to it's fullest! Needless to say, I am still exhausted, but all these smiling faces remind me that it's worth it!
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Hayley said...

You got some great pics while you were there! I still love the one of Brielle 'surfing'.

Miss you guys.

tina said...

Looks like you had a fun trip! Are you guys planning on going to the Twin Falls Temple open house? We have tickets for July 22 @ 2:00. It would be fun to go together.

Lance & Milisa said...

It looks like you had a BLAST! I'm sad we missed you guys! We are due mid-february, but not sure exactly, I go to the doctor next Thursday to hopefully hear a heart beat and get a more exact date.

Amber Culp Family said...

Love the bikini, can't wait for them to show there tummies off together. I am so glad you went, survived and had fun. kiss those kiddos.