Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby Steps

I know. It's been forever since I've posted, and it's not because we haven't had anything interesting going on. There's Christmas, Christmas, and more Christmas, New Years', a baptism, and TONS of family visits. The problem is that we've also been sick, like pneumonia sick, and it's seriously kicking my butt! I'm finally feeling a bit like tackling my real world responsibilities, but blogging is gonna have to take a back seat to cleaning house and actually paying attention to my children! Today, I cleaned the bathrooms and wrote this post. Tomorrow is kids' rooms and who knows? Baby steps.
Brielle started me off with this little baby post when I caught a quick video of her latest trick -- walking down the bottom step like a big girl. You'd think she'd done a back flip with all the attention she demanded for this little trick! She stood at the bottom step and just giggled while she did it over, and over, and over! If we ever all stopped laughing and clapping, she just stood there and yelled "Hey Guys!" until somebody stopped long enough to watch her. This went on forever!
So for anyone out there that actually read my blog, I promise to get the last two exciting weeks on here soon. In the meantime ...
... we're hanging in there!


Hayley said...

Oh I love it!! She is just such a little cutie. Give everyone hugs from me, and I religiously read your blog, so keep updating.

Tobler Bunch said...

That was awesome!!!

Amber Culp Family said...

I am happy to hear you are recovering. Poor girl. Love the pic of Brielle sleeping.

Amanda said...

ohmygosh! that last pic is hilarious!!!