Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Breje turned 14, and we got tons of visiters!

It's unbelievably difficult to comprehend that my little girl is actually a 14 year old! Having her party right after Brielle's really emphasizes how much older she is getting. She no longer begs for princess parties and dreams about getting dress-ups and coloring books. Topping her list was a slumber party and, of course, the ipod! (Thanks, Grandma!)
It's a good thing she is such an amazing teenager -- it makes missing her childhood a little bit easier. Breje has an amazing testimony for someone her age and a very firm hold of her values. She's a huge help with her brothers and Brielle and I'm not sure if I'd still be sane (at least partially) if she wasn't so willing to babysit for me. I love that she lets Brielle have "sleepovers" in her room and does her hair and everything else she can think of so that those ten years between them seem so short. I love that she shares my love of reading and that she "gets" Pride and Prejudice. I love that she's even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside, even though she grows more lovely every day. Happy Birthday, Breje!

Her birthday was made even more special when Grandma Linda and Aunt Hayley (with the ladies, of course) made the long drive from Utah to come celebrate. We finished up all her birthday shopping and ate some yummy food along the way. My camera happened to be missing at the time and it just kills me because there were many lovely moments. It never ceases to amaze me that Ady and Kutter have still not discovered that they have nothing in common (despite spending EVERY SINGLE WAKING MOMENT TOGETHER) and Brielle and Sienna never seem to stop smiling.

It was literally an hour after this crew left that Jason, Chelsi and kids showed up for their first visit to this lovely town. It was so fun to see how quickly the kids connected, as they don't get to see each other very often.

Spending time with them helped remind us that there are positive aspects to our sleepy little town. We spent most of their time here enjoying all of our wide open spaces in the back yard. The kids braved the motorcycle together....

... and the horse....

... and I seriously wish I had a picture of how much they enjoyed our new kittens (the sentiment was most definitely not reciprocated!)

Thank you so much, everyone, for making our Memorial Day weekend seem a lot less dreary!

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Thank you for having us! It was sooo much fun! Miss ya already...