Sunday, April 5, 2009

Last But Not Least . . .

. . . My baby, Breje, who is just so not a baby anymore that she won't even let me take a picture! That's why this post has taken so long. She is never home, and when she is, she avoids the camera (or is it me?) like crazy. You would think she is too old to have any quotes to share, but I've been saving this one up.
-- it was about midnight and we were in the middle of canning our apple pie filling. The kitchen is positively overflowing with the smell of apples and cinnamon and she pipes up with "Wow, this stuff smells just like a really good candle!" Yup. I blame Scentsy.
What she loves: Pretty much everything girls her age usually love. Clothes, chocolate, shopping, music, etc. She still shares my love of reading, but now we get to share shoes, too! Yay!
She also seems to love helping with her baby sister (most of the time -- she has been trying all of our patience with her climbing habit!) and she's been enjoying learning how to cook a few things.
What she doesn't like: Most of the time she'd say her brothers, but when they are not thinking about it they get along really well. She seriously hates mornings and cleaning her room. She hates getting ready for the day, but can't stand not looking put-together. Again, I'm thinking it's that whole age thing!
I have to take a little minute to brag about her. She also just had her parent/teacher conferences and they were pretty fun. She usually gets good grades and her teachers always rave about what a great kid she is. Every one of the teachers I talked to said she wasn't just well-behaved, but the kind of kid that is kind to everyone. I think it's rare that a girl her age can be friends with every girl in her class and it's a talent she has that I am really proud of! One teacher also told me that he's sure she will have a full-ride scholarship to college someday and that she's the kind of kid I will never have to worry about as a teenager! He said she was a testament to her parents! What mom wouldn't want to hear that?! I'm thinking that will make up for some of the teenage-girl-drama we have coming our way!


Amy Johnson said...

Could she be any more beautiful! Gosh! I love the young lady that she has become! She really is so grown up for her age! It's going to be so fun to see the many great things she does in the future!

Anonymous said...

I love all your beautiful children and treasure every story about them. Grandma Linda

Jessica said...

Wow!! That is awesome!! I agree that she is fun in class!!

Hayley said...

I just love this kid. She is such an example to my kids, and I honestly look so forward to spending time with her. I cannot wait for her to come shopping with us! Thanks for posting some more of the kiddos. I'm expecting MANY, MANY posts from Texas. MANY.