Monday, February 14, 2011

More Love!

Is anyone surprised that this next post is about Trayson?

One of the things I love most about Trayson is his goofy grin. It's closely related to his silly sense of humor and his readiness to share it. I love that we can be anywhere, around anyone and he's got a little something funny to add to the conversation!

Again, his fabulous brain! How did I get such smart kids, anyway?! This kid hordes useless trivia just like his Grandpa -- every time he mentions that he knows something I don't (often) that really know one should ever remember actually learning, well, he makes me miss my dad a TON!

He also has a very strong testimony and a tender heart about the things that make him love the gospel. He can't wait to hold the priesthood and serve a mission. It's pretty sweet, and pretty comforting.

He's a kiss-up. Breje teases him about it all the time and it drives her nuts, but I have to admit that it makes life easier sometimes!

He has a special talent with small children. They LOVE him. All of them -- and he has tons of patience when they want his attention (or to pull his hair!) This still comes in handy at home quite often!

He's a morning person. I have to admit that this used to be one of his more annoying qualities, but it's become one of my favorites. He's usually the first one up on Saturday mornings and is content to help whoever follows to breakfast and cartoons, thus allowing mommy to sleep in Forever!

He's one of the most affectionate kids out there. Not many kids his age are willing to give mom a hug on demand, let alone ask for one! Melts my heart! Love you, Tray!


Hayley said...

Oh yes, we do love this kid too! Man, these posts are making me miss you guys even more.

Come. Visit. Soon.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to give them all a hug if we come this weekend, just looking at the weather but I think it is going to work. Trayson is so kind and he really does love the gospel and his family. We all think he will be a prophet one day! Love you Tray! Grandma Linda