Friday, February 18, 2011

Still feelin it . . .

I love, love LOVE this kid's dimples. They melt my heart. Especially when they accompany his sheepish grin-- when he's trying really, really hard to not smile but just can't help himself. It's good stuff!

I love how affectionate he is. When he loves you, you know it!

I love that, when he apologizes, he really really means it. Even if he's going to have to apologize again in ten minutes for the same thing it is genuine.

I love that he's introduced mischief into my life. That little bit a naughty in him adds such excitement to our lives and definitely brings humility to mine!

He's our little athlete. He will play any sport at anytime (sound like anyone we know?). Lately, he's been asking to run on the treadmill sometimes at night. This is him on Tuesday, when he ran 2.8 miles -- and he ran over 3.5 the next night! Whodathunkit?!

I love how much he loves school. I was a little worried about this at first (you know, the whole "naughtiness" issue) but he soaks up knowledge like nothing else and really seems to be enjoying school.
I love giving this guy presents. There's nothing like it. You could give him a playstation or a pair of socks -- it doesn't matter -- either way you're gonna feel like the nicest, most thoughtful person on the planet. In a world where most kids just expect to have the world handed to them on a platter this kid seems to get that it is an honor to be given something. So far he even seems to be too naive to realize this just makes me want to give him more stuff!

Love you , Kutter!


Hayley said...

He ran 3.5 on the treadmill? Wow! I ran 3 this morning and am now typing this dead.


Kutter melts my heart too. He is the cutest sweetest boy alive. And I miss him. Sooo much!

grandma linda said...

Kutter has so much impish sparkle in his eyes and face. You just can't help but smile when you look at him. I too love to give him the smallest of gifts just to see that smile and I know he will treasure whatever I gave him for a long time! Love him oh so much!