Sunday, October 21, 2007


Yeah, pickles. We were at a friends' house for dinner and Jody thought it would be very entertaining to give Brielle her first taste of pickle. We sat back and waited for the nasty face, but . . . nothing! In fact, she went absolutely nuts for it! Jody could barely hang onto it and was worried she'd suck it right down into her throat, but she just screamed when he took it away. What a strange kid, right?!


Sydney said...

G loves pickles. I've never thought to give them to E. I'll have to try it and see how he does! How was it sitting alone today? Did you feel a little like you had lost something (or 3 things?)

Hayley said...

Your kid! She is too cute and these pics have officially given me butterflies for next weekend!

Amber Culp Family said...

So Funny! Apparently Brielle plans on growing with a diet of french fries and pickles! I guess that means she will be as short as her mommy!

Lance & Milisa said...

This is hilarious!! She is such a cute little girl!!

Anonymous said...

PICKLES?!!! I love it...and Ambers concerned about giving Ayva Squash!! The little cutie is getting chunky..well chunkier than she was! She is a doll!
thanks Heather for fixing your Blog so I can write on it too!