Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another Quiz!

So my friend posted this on her blog FOREVER ago, and I was intrigued, but hadn't read the books yet. I finished the first one today and still couldn't get enough, so I thought I'd try it out? What do you think? Is it accurate?

Which Twilight novel character are you?

You're Bella Swan - You are intelligent and kind but not quite sure what you want out of life yet. You have a feeling there's something more out there for you. You're attracted to those who are real and avoid the fake. Sometimes you're a bit accident prone, but your true friends will always be loyal to you and come to your aid when you need it.
Take this quiz!

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Jami Steele Davis said...

I think that the quiz is really cool. I took it, I am Edward-do you think that means I am a man? Anyway, I have the third book if you want to borrow it when you get that far. I am impatiently waiting for the 4th book (scheduled for next fall-it's like waiting for harry potter all over again!!!!

Linda Johnson said...
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Linda Johnson said...

Hi Heather, This is my results. I miss you so much! Mom

You're Esme Cullen - Your maternal instinct to take care of people and be kind draw people towards you. You're compassionate and loving, yet firm when you need to be. You appreciate hard work and value the beautiful results of your dedication to any project

Hayley said...

I'm Alice, fitting because Alice and Bella are bff's. I can't figure out how to post the html on my blog. Help me.

The Wolfley Family said...

Jami -- I think being Edward means you are strong and are always doing the right thing. Plus, you must be really hot!
Mom -- I miss you too, and I am so not surprised that you are Esme!
Hayley--this is the one time we are all three not the same thing, and it's cause it makes so much sense! It's almost freaky! Call me and I will walk you through it. (that sounds weird coming from me, huh?)

Lance & Milisa said...

YEAH!! I'm so glad you finally read this book! I love these!! If you remember, this is the book I was reading up at your house and now you understand why I couldn't put the book down...I will take the test and let you know who I am. I have the other books if you want to get them at Thanksgiving!

Amy Johnson said...

Holy Crap! I'm Jacob Black! How did that happen? People don't like Jacob!!!!! :( I don't like Jacob! Boo to the quiz! I wanted to be Bella (I'd be ok with Edward because I'm ridiculously in love with him). Linda, I can see you as Esme, and Hayley you are totally Alice!!! I'm glad you like the books. They pretty much rule my life!

Hayley said...

I will hook you up with a Christmas Layout later. Just so you know, there are cute polka dots on the side of mine that I'm sure you can't see on your comp. I miss you.

The Wolfley Family said...

I hope you like your new layout. There are really pretty snowflakes on the sides that tie the colors together.

Sydney said...

You are the first person I have heard of that is Bella. I'm Alice but I've taken the quiz numerous times to try and get Bella and never got her, I was so curious what she looked like so thanks for posting this on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Did you know they casted bella for the movie?