Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Our family finally got a little excitement last weekend when my mom, Hayley, Adyson, and Sienna came by for a little visit. It is always so much fun to watch how quickly the kids just jump right into their little friendships! The girls were in dress-ups within the first five minutes, and it only took about five more for Ady to get Kutter to play house with her. It just cracks me up to watch those two get along, when their worlds are so, so different!
The kids had tons of fun just playing together. They seemed to really enjoy the relaxed rules that Grandma brings with her -- especially getting to sleep in the front room all together and watching movies until way past bedtime. Can you tell that Ady got to pick witch movie they watched?

These visits always remind me how lucky I am to have the family that I have. Not many people can say that their mom and their sister are their best friends! It was wonderful to spend some shopping time together (ok, and some eating time, too!) and to stay up a little later than we should because we have so much to gab about!
This is one of my favorites of these two. They are "surfin' USA" on my rocking chair and ottoman!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the ones of Sienna and Breezy watching the movie! Soo cute. What time are you coming on Friday? I can't wait!