Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Giving Thanks

It's that time of year again -- time for me to get all cheesy and list everything I'm thankful for. It's amazing how my list has grown over the years. I'm now thankful for a million little things that so often get taken for granted. Like premade cookie dough -- what a miracle! Baby formula and pacifiers are high on my list this year. So are "educational" computer games, Zaboomafoo and Playhouse Disney, and the movie Cars! Where would I be without clear acrylic stamps, book club, bunco, and my blogs! How did I ever survive without a dual-screen dvd player in the car -- not to mention cup holders, heated seats, and keyless entry?!

I also happen to be extremely grateful for my pajama pants, and a husband who doesn't seem to notice that I practically live in them! Which does bring me to the cheesy part . . . I could only avoid it for so long! I know so many men who see their families as people they spend time with as an obligation, and only if there's time to spare. I am so grateful that my man wants to spend time with me -- and I'm especially grateful that he seems to look forward to spending time with the kids. (let's face it, by the time he gets around them, they've pretty much used me up and spit me out!) So they don't always make it to bed in time if he's in charge, but they know their daddy loves them and I couldn't ask for more for them!

Of course, as much as they've been wearing me out lately, I gotta say that I am thrilled to have such great kids. They certainly keep me on my toes. Someone around here is always saying something random at the funniest moments. My home is filled with laughter and sweetness most of the time and it is so fulfilling to watch them grow everyday! We have the whole gamut right now, from a precious new baby, to rambunctious boys, to a beautiful young lady, and each day with them brings at least one new learning experience and one precious moment to be tucked away (and brought out again during the not-so-precious moments!)

I also seem to be extremely blessed to be constantly surrounded by incredible people. I have the most amazing family a girl could ask for-- and our relationships just grow stronger each year. I am happy to be able to say that my parents, brother, sister, and in-laws are usually the people that I most want to be around! How many people can say that? I'm also so grateful for the many wonderful people who've become my friends over the years (and the dozen moves!) I'm not sure how I meet the most kind, generous, talented, funpeople in each town that we move to -- but somehow I do that and I trick them into being my friends!

So that's why I'm most looking forward to Thanksgiving. My life has changed tons each year, but it always remains that my greatest blessing is the people in my life. I get to spend this holiday with most of them, and whoever is missing is sure to catch up with me on my blog. I am such a lucky girl!


Anonymous said...


Lance & Milisa said...

Thanks to you for all you and your family do! You are truly great people and we are lucky to be able to call you family. We love you guys!!