Sunday, December 2, 2007

I know! It's been forever since I blogged! I'm sure you've all missed me desperately! The worst part is that now I am forced to torture you with the longest post ever! I will try not to ramble -- it's mostly full of pictures that I just couldn't choose between. (Imagine that-- me not being able to make a decision!)

Our holiday was just full of so many good things! No one has ever had a better turkey dinner than the one my mom prepared! The turkey could've seriously done a backstroke in it's own juices -- i'm not exaggerating! My brother is the king of mashed potatos and there were more desserts there than people! A dream dinner for yours truly!

The day after was almost better, as my sweet husband agreed to watch most of the kids so that I could revel in my traditional shopping trip with my mom and sister! This is the first year that Breje really wanted to come too -- bad enough to get up at 7:00 to come with us!(no, we do not do 4:00 am!) What a treat! (We are always loads of fun when we have not slept at all and are on a sugar high!)

We were lucky that Heath and Kaycee decided to bless their sweet little girl on Sunday, so we got that in, as well. It's so great to be close enough to catch some of those moments! I forgot to get the camera out while she was still in her dress, but I did get a couple pics on another day!

You can probably tell that my very favorite part is watching all the sweet kids playing together! No pictures of juicy turkey or Hayley's perfect mini-cheesecakes, but I'm gonna have to thrill you all now with pictures of the most beautiful children that have ever existed! It's fun to see how much Simon adores Trayson -- to the point of dragging him around the kitchen by his shirt!

He loves Sienna, too, but it's not always so innocent! This hug is genuine, but the look on Sienna's face says it all!

Ady is 7 years younger than Breje, but they have the sweetest bond ever! I'm pretty sure this is 2:00 am, Thanksgiving morning. Eventually, Breje became the pillow!

Grandma Linda made this dress for Breje when she was about 4, and Ady was absolutely thrilled to try it on! She called it her princess dress and I thought we'd never get it back off of her. You can totally tell that she feels pretty!

Brielle caught a peaceful moment with Great Gram!

This was a fun discovery. Simon will listen to Trayson read for hours! It looks like they're the only two people in the world right now, and you can tell how much they are enjoying it!

A RARE moment when Sienna agreed to snuggle with uncle Jody!

This little guy has more sweetness in him than you would ever believe! His smile just melts my heart!

Jody trying hard to get Ryann to fall asleep. I think she tricked him!

Well, this one pretty much sums it up for me! This is joy!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for an update. Thanksgiving really was so much fun, and tell Jody thanks again for watching Ady too. You got some great pics, I LOVE the one of Sim and Tray reading, soooo sweet!

Amy Johnson said...

Great pics! It really is so fun to see all the kids play together. Even though they really don't see each other as often as we'd like, they don't miss a beat and resume being the best of friends! :)

Lance & Milisa said...

We loved seeing you all and the pictures are great! You do have great kids!! looks like a fun time!

Triffini Burton said...

Your blog is so cute. I love to read about everybody's kids and how they are growing up. We keep you in our prayers always and ask Heavenly Father to give you strength to help your sister and brotherinlaw in the way that you and they need it. Only the Lord know's what that is. Sometimes through one's weekness give's other's strength. It's harsh, but true. Hope you had a merry christmas. Triff and fam