Monday, July 7, 2008

They grow up so fast...

Lately I have been completely blown away by how fast my baby is growing up! It's hard to believe it was just over a year ago that my sweet friend took a picture of her curled up on my bench-- just four days old and the essence of innocence. This is how I found her on that same bench just a few days ago! When did she get so big (and so mischievous?!)

And I just had to share this picture of her first experience with corn on the cob. Do you think she liked it?


Amy Johnson said...

She is so cute! I can't believe how fast she is growing up as well! I love your kids!

Hayley said...

She's such a beauty! I wish she were here with the rest of them...and you guys too!

Lance & Milisa said...

She has truly grown up so fast!! She gets cuter with each picture!