Monday, January 7, 2008

Feeling Awful!

Poor Little Brielle has been feeling awful all week. She's had a quite a fever, a bad cough, and ,if you look close, you can see that she's got nasty, goopy eyes. The doc says she's also had a pretty bad sore throat. This picture really captured how pathetic she's been feeling lately (Mommy, too -- absolutely NO SLEEP!) Fortunately for Brielle . . .


Hayley said...

OH, she is breaking my heart! She is still beautiful though, puffy eyes and all. Hope you like your new layout. It is super easy to add any songs you want too. Call me if you need help.
Love you.

Amber Culp Family said...

Okay, the babies are truly soul mates, not only do they dress alike, they are sick at the same time. Poor Ayva and Brielle! Also poor Amber and Heather, lets get some sleep!

Lance & Milisa said...

I feel so bad for her!! She looks absolutely miserable although you can tell she is trying to be tough! Good luck catching up once she begins feeling better!!

Amy Johnson said...

I agree...a bath fixes everything! Poor thing! I hope she gets feeling better soon! Give her kisses from us!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Brielle got better. She cried all night, and that must have been why I couldn`t sleep. Now that she isn`t so sick, I can sleep much better!