Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Day!

Yup! That's right! We got about an inch of snow yesterday -- apparently this means extreme driving conditions in a town with no snow plows! This is the second day of school cancellations in as many weeks. I can't help but laugh at people who are complaining that they don't remember when we've had a winter this bad! I took this picture from my front door this morning and -- yes -- those are tumbleweeds sticking up out of the snow! Growing up in northern Utah makes it a little difficult for me to see what all the fuss is about, but the kids are sure happy about it!

Kutter discovered the joy of icicles today. I'm hoping that knocking them off the roof meant they were semi-clean, but, dirty or not, how could I rob him of this childhood memory?
Breje did most of the shoveling, but Kutter took over near the end, and he seriously did not want to quit! He ended up carrying the shovel all around the yard, hence, we no longer even have that inch in some places! I'm not sure how he even lugged that huge thing around, but he was so proud of how hard he was working!
Of course, the day did not start this joyful! The school district is great at canceling school, but not so great at giving us plenty of notice. We found out at 6:30 this morning, when the kids were almost completely ready. I swear I heard mothers all around town groaning at the news (apparently, my house was not the only scene of complete warfare during the last snow day!) but this day off turned out to be pretty enjoyable. The best part was finding the kids making snow angels in the front yard!


Lance & Milisa said...

Your kids looked like they totally enjoyed all the snow!! I wish they would cancel, oh I don't know, work or something down here when we get snow...I would love that!!

Sydney said...

I think we have a little more snow "in the city" than you do in the country. The wind must blow yours away.

I agree too that I didn't know what all the fuss was about until I tried to drive on those roads...they are pure ice! I was following Jared home the other day and he started slipping as he tried to make a right hand turn and I couldn't stop because I was on the same patch of ice. Oh, it was a little scary!

Hayley said...

So funny! I love these pictures though, your kids look so cute. I miss you guys.

Debbie Pierson said...

I also grew up in Northern Utah and the school closures here are crazy, I don't turn on the tv till we are done taking kids to school so the last 2 times I don't find out there is not school till I get there and there is not a soul there. Pretty funny though.

Amy Johnson said...

That's funny to see the tumbleweeds poking out of the snow! We got dumped on last night! I love the pic of your three kids making snow angels! That is frame-a-ble! :) Wait, with me and you EVERYTHING is framable!

Anonymous said...

Kutter looks pretty happy with that icicle in his mouth! Hopefully dad hasn`t broke on off and walked over to Brielle...

No probably not.