Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Sunshine

From her gorgeous blond hair to her sparkling, spunky personality, having my adorable neice around often makes me feel like I have my own personal ray of sunshine. Her family is going through so much right now that I feel kind of guilty that I borrowed her cheerful smile for the weekend, but I sure was grateful for it! She enjoys every second of life to the fullest and it helps me remember to do the same. Painting this fishy appeared to be the joy of her little lifetime, but so did everything else she did this weekend. I love that she seems to have formed her own special relationship with each member of our family.
She and Kutter always seem to form an immediate connection, although it's often difficult to imagine. You couldn't find a boy who's more boyish, or a girl who's more girlish, but they spent the entire weekend joined at the hip, locked in some deep conversation that no one else could ever truly appreciate. She has a way of reaching out to each of us, even Uncle Jody, who is discovering that her trust once lost (He's learned not to EVER throw her in the air again!) is not lost forever.
This time, she especially touched my heart. My favorite moment all weekend? She was watching me put on my make up and said so sweetly, "You look just like my mommy!" It made me so happy I almost cried. Most people spend their lives looking up to older siblings, but I've admired my kid sister since the day she was born. Hayley has a way of gathering friendships and being so good at everything she does. I used to be so jealous of how popular and pretty she is, but now I am just grateful to have her for a friend. It's like Ady knew exactly what the nicest thing she could say to me was! Thanks, sweetie!


Hayley said...

You are much too kind to me. And I said I was done crying this weekend...

I was actually really glad that she wasn't around here, it wasn't the best weekend and I think she had a blast. I heard all about her holding the bird, getting the giggles and....did you know that her and Kutter played house and were pretending to be married. That is a conversation I would have loved to hear! Thankyou for taking such good care of her. I love you and missed you all weekend long.

Amy Johnson said...

What a sweet blog! I love that little Ady and I agree, she has an amazing ability to brighten anyone's day! I love Kutter and Ady's makes me look forward to how Sienna and Simon will be (if he can ever quit beating her up!).

Anonymous said...

Can you believe how proud Ady looks of her painting job? I asked her if she wanted to do something else, because she was on her first one, taking about an hour. She told me, ``I Am Not Done YET!``

Amber Culp Family said...

What a beautiful post! You are such a great auntie. How fun you had your niece for the weekend. I bet that Hayley appreciated it.

Lance & Milisa said...

You are an amazing Aunt! It looks like you had all sorts of fun!