Monday, January 14, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I hate when it's been so long since I've posted, but It's amazing how few pictures I take when my kids have been sick for two whole weeks! We have been the epitomy of boring! I guess that means this is a good week to finally get around to posting pictures of our new house. Several of my bloggin friends have requested pics, so I tried hard to get a few. Ok, so our home is almost a year old, but I really am slow! I just can't seem to capture the way it really looks, but I gave it my best shot.

This is our front room. The plant shelves are one of my favorite things. I still don't know how to decorate them, but it's sure fun trying!My dining room is another favorite part. It's tiny, but cozy, and we finally splurged and bought our first real table. Matching chairs and everything!
Now if we could just figure out how to get a huge forest to replace the desert that surrounds our five acres, it would be perfect!


Lance & Milisa said...

These are some great pics of your home...I just love it! You have such a great talent for decorating!

Hayley said...

I am feeling homesick for you guys tonight! I wish you were closer! Your house is really beautiful and you really decorate it perfectly!

tina said...

You're hired! Come down and decorate my house! I'm NO good at it!

Amber Culp Family said...

YEAH, I finally got to see your house. Thank you, Thank you! It is so beautiful. I love how you have decorated it. Can you fly out and help me, and by the way, bring me some of your decorations!!