Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tiny Moments Day 8

This post was supposed to be so easy for me today because I thought I had already chosen the moment that would make me smile the most. I was way excited to go to lunch with a group of friends (thanks for getting a tiny bit older, Angie!) and I promised myself a pic of the whole bunch of us with giant grins. Afterall, what makes us ladies smile more than getting out of the house for yummy food and girl talk?!

It just so happens, as it often does when you have kids, that I had absolutley no time for taking pictures. I spent almost the entire time running kids to the bathroom, mopping up their spills, and changing poopy diapers (not to mention poopy pants and poopy shirts!) I barely had time to scarf down my food -- somehow I managed-- so no pictures for this post. (consider yourselves lucky!) Instead, my tiny moment was the realization that motherhood means that nothing really ever goes according to plan...
and when chaos ensues, you just have to smile!


Hayley said...

I'm sorry lunch was so chaotic for you, but you are right, that is what having kids is all about! Love you.

The Wolfley Family said...

Looks like we both didn`t exactly have the best day! I hope Brielle gets better soon! Breje

Amy Johnson said...

Your absolutly right, that is what motherhood is all about! I love that everyone goes through the same stuff.